Interest Group
Statistics in Organ Transplantation
About us
The aim of the Interest Group Statistics in Organ Transplantation (SOT) is to bring together statisticians, data scientists, and clinical researchers at the interface between data analysis and organ transplantation to build, communicate, and extend current community knowledge. Every year we are planning to hold the SOT Annual Seminar with invited researchers working in and around the areas of applied statistics and organ transplantation. Everybody interested in statistics in organ transplantation is welcome to attend.
What is special about statistics in organ transplantation?
The challenging area of data analysis in organ transplantation brings together a large number of disciplines: On the one hand the methodological fields of statistics and data science, on the other side the clinical fields such as nephrology, hepatology, cardiology, pulmonology, immunology, etc. Thus, it is important to closely collaborate across disciplines and to look beyond the horizon.
What are the goals of SOT?
Building current statistical knowledge.
Disseminating best practices and state-of-the-art data analyses in terms of reproducible research.
Organizing yearly workshops and seminars.
Compiling useful resources: courses, training, statistical tools, and packages.
Official statistics on organ transplantation in Switzerland
Annual reports by the Swiss Transplant Cohort Study (STCS)
Annual reports by Swisstransplant (German/French)
Key figures on transplant medicine in Switzerland by the Federal Office of Public Health (German/French/Italian)
Linard Hoessly, University Hospital Basel (CH)
Simon Schwab, Swisstransplant (CH)
Sanda Branca , University Hospital Basel (CH)
Jaromil Frossard, University Hospital Basel (CH)
Michael Koller, University Hospital Basel (CH)
Katell Mellac, University Hospital Basel (CH)
Ming Zou, University Hospital Basel (CH)
Kris Denhaerynck, University of Basel (CH)
Anja Dahl, Rigshospitalet Copenhagen (DK)